CASY Family Newsletter
Family Resource Navigators
Little learners thrive when they are healthy, happy and supported — whether that’s making certain they have access to high-quality early care and learning programs, healthy breakfast options or a library card to stock up on bedtime stories. As your child’s first and best teacher, you are so important to their success. One additional way you can help improve your child’s well-being is by focusing on your own — whether that’s through building your career, improving your health or learning new tips for parenting young children. We are proud to serve as navigators for families like yours – expertly assisting you in finding high-quality child care and connecting you with additional opportunities to meet your needs.
Connect with us by calling our Family Engagement Specialists at 800-886-3952 option 2, taking the self-assessment or browsing our resource bank today.
Learn more about our Family Resource Navigators here.
Family Resource Websites
Brighter Futures Indiana
Brighter Futures Indiana is a resource to support you in understanding and enhancing your child’s learning at home and while in care. Brighter Futures Indiana is brought to you through a partnership with the FSSA Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning and Early Learning Indiana. For more information and resources to help enhance your child’s learning at home please visit Brighter Futures Indiana.
IN*SOURCE exists to help parents of children with disabilities navigate the complicated special education process in the state of Indiana. They help bridge the gap between schools and parents and we strive to connect the dots that become the individual path to success for children with disabilities.

Indiana Department of Education: Kindergarten Readiness: Kindergarten readiness is achieved when children are prepared in all domains of early learning; and families, schools, and communities collaborate to positively impact educational outcomes.
- For children, kindergarten readiness is being prepared in all domains of early learning and development (social and emotional, language, cognitive, motor, physical well-being, and approaches toward learning) through appropriate routines and activities.
- For families, kindergarten readiness is understanding their child’s level of development, understanding the school environment and expectations, and participating in supportive partnerships with the school.
- For schools, kindergarten readiness is meeting each child where they are with aligned standards and curriculums in engaging, predictable environments that welcome and accept unique experiences, cultures, and backgrounds.
- For communities, kindergarten readiness is valuing the incredible importance of early learning.
Indiana Department of Education: Special Education
All students, including those with disabilities, are held to high expectations and have equitable access to educational opportunities that enrich their lives and prepare them for future success. The goal as educators is to improve outcomes for all students. This can be accomplished through a system that ensures equity and access. Equitable Access is the guarantee that all students are provided the necessary and individualized supplementary aids and services, accommodations, modifications, or supports to meaningfully participate in the general education curriculum. Equitable access must be accompanied by a school-wide acceptance or belief in shared responsibility, shared accountability, and high expectations.
Zero to Three
Zero to Three provides resources for parents to ensure your children gets the best start in life. The connections make in the early years of life last a lifetime. Zero to Three knows that parenting is an ongoing learning process where you are learning who your individual child is and what they need to thrive. They provide parent resources to help you learn how to best support growth and learning for your children in the earliest years of life. For more information and resources visit Zero to Three’s Parent Favorites.
National Head Start Association
Families are integral to any effort to support children’s successful learning and development. The National Head Start Association provides resources to families and information about how to find out more about your local Head Start services. For more information, visit the National Head Start Association website.
Center for Disease Control Developmental Milestones
As a parent, you want to give your child the best start in life. “Watch your child’s amazing progress by tracking his or her developmental milestones —how he or she plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves – and sharing that progress with your child’s doctor at every check-up” (Center for Disease Control, Information for Families). Visit the CDC Information for Families page to find resources on the CDC Milestones.
Indiana First Steps
The goal of First Steps is to help Hoosier families make sure their infants and toddlers receive services now to help them in the future. Services through First Steps are designed to meet the developmental needs of the child; Except in limited circumstances, First Steps does not provide services to meet medical needs. Visit First Steps website for more information.
Child Care Aware of America
We understand that you might be anxious or overwhelmed by your child care search. Fortunately, we can give you the tools to be confident through the process. Explore the link to understand what to look for in your child care search, the types care available, and more. Visit Child Care Aware of America for more information.
Mental Health America
We encounter mental health every day. Whether you are dealing with stress, a divorce, or a natural disaster, it’s important to learn what’s affecting your health. It is important to know you are not alone. Mental Health America provides resources to support you and your family. Visit their website by clicking here.